Third Coast Kings' AmeriCanada Days

We headed into Canada from our base in Southeastern Michigan to make another delivery of funk. It hadn’t been too long since we were last in, but were looking forward to playing on July 1st, which in the US, is just another day. For our Canadian friends, it’s CANADA DAY! And just like July 4th is for us ‘southerners,’ it’s a day for cooking out, getting together with friends/family, and having a great time! For the band, it meant that we’d get to party twice in one week! HA! So, we loaded up the vehicles, and headed north. 

Crossing a border can be a breeze, or an anxiety ridden time stuck in a no-man’s land of possibilities, most of which are crap (sitting, waiting, paperwork, police searches, sniffer dogs, angry/disbelieving looks, etc), and one which is great (getting to leave to your destination). When TCK first began going north, we had separately gotten stopped, and once the cops got to us, and saw that all of us were together, they let us through. This time, one car got through with relative ease, while the other car got stopped. A stressful time being had by half the band, puts us all at risk. Timing is off, getting to the venue, "are those guys getting cavity searched?" The thoughts that run around in the mind of those on the way. For those stuck in customs on a big holiday weekend, where a fine toothed comb is being used before letting anyone go onto their destination. 

An hour and a half later, the car held back is released into the world. The guys are tired, stressed, and still have a good long trip ahead! The car that got through without trouble is on it’s way, first, to Kitchener, Ontario, where we were to set up for a classic Canada Day at the residence of a fan of the band, and birthday boy, a one Mr. Tim Willcox (natch). As a passenger in the first car, we fall out of the car, and into the relaxed situation at the house. There are entry fences outside, food being prepped, a stage being set up, basically a mini-festival is being held in not too big of a backyard, but in the layout, it would hold quite a few revelers. We felt right at home with the great hospitality, and after hearing from car 2 that they were on the way, the mood got even better. 

A group led by three beautiful women, called The Divines, opened up the show, singing Motown and Stax/Volt stuff. Great time. Then, they let us onstage, and we get to dive into this marvelous time which is being had by all. That’s no exaggeration. A short video below will provide the proof! When this crowd jumped up and sang the Canadian National anthem? It felt great to be a part of! A proud group of Americans and Canadians enjoying each other during these crazy times we live in! 

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the beauty and glory that is Toronto, Ontario. A big city with it’s own issues, but beautiful. We played a set at the famous Rivoli, which sits at the crossroads of old school Toronto, and high tech hi-rise gentrification. A heady mix for your tired boys. We took some pics, played to some really lovely people who brought other people, who promised to spread the word about us to their friends! May this trend continue exponentially! 

By the way, the sleep upon returning to Michigan was well deserved!